深圳市德寶潔具有限公司是一家專業開發,設計,生產,銷售高中檔衛生潔具的企業!皣栏癜殃P,以質為本,創優服務”是本公司發展的格言。為適應現代化企業的發展,公司領導人審時度勢,高瞻遠矚的在企業中積極貫徹執行ISO9000國際標準,在同行中率先榮獲ISO9001國際質量體系證書,以更完善的管理網絡和產品質量標準,樹立更完整系統化的品牌形象,配合產品的營銷,以期達到跨國集團化的大型企業。 地球是人類居住的家園,環保是人類生存的永恒主題。德寶衛浴已通過國家環保局的無放射性及抗菌性認證。 獨特的工藝,不同的設計,明暗之間,粗糙與細膩之間的沖擊被大膽而流暢地表達出來。德寶衛浴--讓你享受舒爽暢快的愉悅。 |
Debao Ceramics
Co., Ltd. Shenzhen is an enterprise specializes in developing,
designing, producing and marketing high-and medium-grade sanitary
ware."Quality First & Service Excellent" is the companys tenet
for development. To be line with the time, the company is certified
the ISO9000 certificate and is carried out actively by the leading
group who show great foresight. Taking the lead in honoring the
international quality certification ISO9001, it builds up an
integrated systematic visualize, concerts with the distribution of
its products, hence it has achieved as a large size transnational
enterprise. The earth is the home of human being. Environmental protection is the eternal theme of human existent. Debao Ceramics has passed the certification from national Environmental ProtectionDepartment, which is considered as no radioactivity and anti-bacterium. With unique craftwork, distinct design, Debao Ceramics gives expressions between the light and shade, roughness and fineness, audaciously, smoothly. It will make you enjoyable and comfortable. |
地址:深圳市羅湖區洪湖二街69號 技術支持:成都九正科技